Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, final full day in Bali.  by Aubrey

            This truly was an amazing day. After we all had breakfast, we started to rehearse for our final performance. The dancers rehearsed their dance first and then we rehearsed the music. When we played the Gamelan, I was a little nervous, because some of us were still making some mistakes in the song that we were playing. After playing the song a couple of times, I played cards with some friends, and then ate lunch. I spent the rest of the day walking around the town surrounding the hotel and playing the didjoree doo, an instrument I had gotten from the man teaching us, Wayan. Then came time that we all had to meet in the space that we had rehearsed in. I put on my sarong (with help from Danny) and then relaxed while the girls got dressed and put on their makeup. I spent majority of the time playing with Wayan’s son, and socializing with my friends. Then came time that we had to walk to where we were performing. As the dancers walked onstage, I started to appreciate the experience that we were having even more. When it was our turn to play Gamelan, I felt prepared. As Basil and I played the first notes that introduced the songs, I started to feel the music. I think we played better than ever before. When the song ended, I was sad that this experience was almost over, but even happier that it happened. After, there was a Social dance where a girl from here in Bali would dance, and then invite a person to go onstage with her. Some of the people that she brought onstage were Basil, Augus, and I, and Jack and Mr. Sacks were picked last. It was so fun to go up and dance and see my peer’s dance, even if we did not know what we were doing. I don’t think I will ever forget this. I do not want to leave, but I have to. I hope to return to this great island one day and continue to study Gamelan and the culture of Bali and meet up with the friends that I have made while I’ve been here. Leaving will be very hard, and I know I will shed a tear as I get onto the plane to leave.

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